Things To Be Lucky For On The Year Of The Rabbit

year of the rabbit

The Chinese Rabbit is the fourth within the twelve-year cycle of celestial animals which appear in the Chinese horoscope related to the Chinese lunar calendar. The Chinese Rabbit is also known as the Moon rabbit or the Eastern Rabbit. The Year Of The Rabbit is often associated with the Iron Branch symbol 人. In some circles the year of the rabbit is known as the Iron Fist year, which has much symbolism to it.


The name of the rabbit is also derived from the name of its color, which is white. The name, however, does not follow the literal meaning of the word white in English, but refers to a lucky charm. Many early Chinese stories have the rabbit as a symbol of luck and prosperity, and therefore were never used for the purpose of telling fortunes in the Western world. Some literal meanings do point to luck and riches, however. The story of the White Rabbit tells of a poor rabbit who wanders the path from west to east seeking blessings for his family.


The Westerners soon picked up on the symbolism and began associating rabbits with many different aspects of zodiac animals and stories. Two of the most famous are the White Rabbit of London and the Little Red Rabbit of Tu Shen. The latter often appears on Chinese paper, representing fortune and good luck from one year to the next.

Things to Be Lucky For on the Year of the Rabbit


Traditionally the rabbits of West Asia would carry good luck charms and red roses, representing the flower, and red apples, representing the fruit. These traits carried over to Chinese rabbit owners, and many would place a rabbit into a small pot full of rice and wait for luck to befall them. The symbol of luck associated with rabbits in Chinese culture is the rabbit's foot. This appears on the first page of the Traditional Book of the Great Yellow Emperor, which explains that the emperors would ask a rabbit's foot for good fortune. Today this symbol is used to show an interest in studying Chinese, to learn about their culture, or just to pass along good luck wishes.


Because of rabbits in Chinese culture there are many career options for people who are drawn to them. Chinese rabbits make good pets and are considered auspicious by many cultures. They are also used in traditional medicine, as medicine boxes, food cans, and even household furnishings. The Chinese find rabbit manure to be very helpful when it comes to encouraging the growth of rice fields. The Red Sage, which is a variety of rabbit breed, is considered to be the least compatible to a rabbit, but if properly cared for can produce bountiful harvests.


Chinese astrology gives birth signs according to the seasons. Spring is one of the primary months for rabbits, bringing good luck and prosperity. Mid-Autumn Festival, which falls in November, is a time when rabbits are abundant, bringing joy and happiness to their owners. The Chinese new year, also known as the Chinese New Year, falls on the fifth day of the Chinese lunar calendar and celebrates a different ancient belief than what most westerners believe. The new year is a time for celebration and welcomes travelers and foreigners, and the rabbits help make the New Year more positive.


Traditionally rabbits are always good company. They work hard all year long and enjoy playing and running around. This is why they make good companions, both for children and adults. Many people get a pair of rabbits as a gift, or because they like them and then keep them at their home as house pets. Others consider them to be pests when they begin to take over their home.


The Chinese zodiac is another big inspiration for people born under that sign. Many people choose not only the color of the rabbit, but also the other animals that are associated with that sign. If you do not want to be surrounded by rabbits, but would prefer other types of animal companionship, you can look into buying some Chinese Zodiac rabbits.

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